30-day challenge: teach your dog five new commands (day 19)


Ace did refrain from doing so well on his commands yesterday. This is our hardest difficulty so far, as well as I do not understand if Ace will effectively discover the five commands within 30 days. Well, I don’t understand if I will be able to effectively teach him the commands in 30 days.

The mutt kept getting crawl as well as roll over mixed up as well as not focusing. When Ace truly wants something (ball or food) he does not always listen to what I’m saying. instead he will just do a number of random techniques as well as presume he’ll get what he wants. What is the most frustrating is he will do a command completely when as well as then hours later he won’t do it at all. bad Ace, he must get frustrated with me, too.

Here are some things I’ve realized this week:

1. Ace does not focus well when he’s hungry.
I’ve tried doing a short training session before I feed him, as well as he is so excited to eat he can’t focus on anything else. instead I utilize feeding time to method down as well as stay as well as strengthen commands he already knows. This is a poor time to introduce something new.

2. Ace does refrain from doing well if the cats are in the room.
He is worried the huge orange one will try to take the treats in my hand (he’s right).

3. place makes a huge difference.
Ace crawls on the carpet however not so well on the kitchen area floor. He rolls over in the grass, however not in the bedroom where he feels crowded. It’s not that this is an reason for him not to do them, however I am trying to look at things from his point of view in order to assist him be successful while he is still learning.

This morning I practiced roll over, crawl as well as bang with Ace before I got his food out of the cupboard, as well as he did much better. then he got to eat right afterwards. He did much much better when the food was not in the exact same room.

Today is day 19 of my 30-day difficulty to teach Ace five new commands. Click right here to see my other 30-day difficulty posts.

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