Writing a Purrfect Thriller with Claws


guest post by Amy Shojai This post consists of affiliate links* Thank you, Ingrid, for allowing me to share about my most current book, hit and Run. lots of folks know about my nonfiction that covers cat and pet dog care and behavior. Not as lots of may know that I also write fiction that […]

I got a Thundershirt!


AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore13 Guess what?!?  considering that PetMeds started bring Thundershirts for dogs or cats, I get to try one out for my extremely own self. I understand you are most likely thinking, “But, Daisy, what stress and anxiety do you have in your life?”  My anxiety […]

Apache Is starting His service dog training In The prison Pup Program


This post may contain affiliate links. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. Apache left for guide dog college nearly two months ago and if you’ve been following us here on the blog and on Facebook then you already know that he was career changed due to medical conditions. […]

[New Product] Gen7Pets bring Me provider


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Allegra and Ruby: the much more scratchers, the better


I don’t know whether Allegra and Ruby hold the record for many scratchers owned by two cats, but we should be close. It’s getting pretty crowded in our kitty playroom! Our newest addition is the X-Tetra scratch Lounge and the Karma scratch Log from Karma Products. The X-Tetra scratch Lounge is a distinct design. The […]

[New Product] VeggieDent dental Chews – a toothbrush in a treat!


AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore In recent years, we’ve all become more aware of how dental hygiene impacts the health of pets (and humans) in general. poor dental health causes plaque, tartar buildup, cavities, bad breath, tooth loss, oral lesions and the list goes on. Teeth cleaning for pets […]

Are cherries risk-free for dogs to eat?


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Pet Nutrition professional difficulties Veterinarians to accept Owners’ worries about Pets’ Diets


Kara Burns feeds off veterinarians’ concerns as well as she had their undivided interest Friday at the American Veterinary medical association convention in San Antonio, Texas, as one of the featured speakers at a satisfy the professionals Roundtable, an inaugural event at the gigantic annual gathering. “We understand the nutrition concern is coming as well […]

5 ways to honor Your Pet On national Pet Memorial Day


AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore12 Pets play a huge role in our lives, and when a beloved pet passes away, the loss can be devastating. It’s important to grieve the loss of our pets, and it’s also important to honor our pets and celebrate the good times that we […]

Rocky mountain found Fever in animals


AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore2 Rocky mountain found fever is a tick-borne disease that has been seen in enhancing numbers in recent years, as veterinarians are doing much more and much more testing for tick-borne diseases. There are several species of ticks that may be involved, but the American […]