Raw pet dog food recipe – steak and turkey


easy raw pet dog food recipe

Here’s an easy raw pet dog food recipe. It’s what my pet dog had for breakfast the other day – boneless steak, turkey gizzards and frozen peas.

This is a pretty normal meal for him. He eats a lot of chicken with bone, turkey and pork but this is one of his boneless meals. a lot of agree that red meat is a lot more species appropriate, although chicken and pork are much cheaper.

Raw pet dog food recipe

I also added a fish oil tablet and a spoonful of the supplement missing link to this meal. missing link was recommended to me by a few other raw feeders, and I made a decision to get a bag for Ace. He loves the flavor. It consists of a bunch of good stuff – glucosamine, kelp, beef liver, carrots – all healthy, pronounceable ingredients that he doesn’t always get from his food.

I use a bowl to hold Ace’s meals, although there is really no need. I just use it as a transporting vessel from the counter to the towel where he eats ? I set his bowl on his towel, and he takes the food out one item at a time. then he eats whatever veggies are still left. He loves his raw meals!

Won’t my pet dog get sick?

Whenever I share raw pet dog food pictures, I get a few reactions from people who are concerned about bacteria, choking hazards and such. While there is always some risk, I have to smile when people are concerned about dogs eating raw meat and bones. Do we forget that dogs are, you know, animals? They’re meat eaters, created to tear, gulp and gnaw on raw meat and bones. Yum!

For a lot more information, here are some raw pet dog food resources:

My ebook – A raw pet dog food feeding guide with 10 raw pet dog food recipes

My post which includes dozens of raw diet recipes for dogs

Most popular negative reactions I hear against raw food for dogs and how I respond

The book Pukka’s Promise: The Quest for Longer-Lived Dogs – a great resource on living with dogs

Have a great day, and let me know if you are currently feeding your pet dog raw meals!

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