What I discovered in working with tough Dogs


By Jennifer Farley
December 2, 2019
If you can make a dog’s trust, even the most wildly behaving pups ended up being infinitely much easier to manage on the grooming table. concern as well as stress and anxiety are the root of nearly all poor behavior. 

As an accomplished freelance artist, as well as somebody who has always liked being around dogs, I am fortunate sufficient to have discovered a method to integrate my two biggest enthusiasms as well as innovative skills in life into a career. I am currently into my 13th year as a expert pet groomer. 

I have observed that a majority of people working in the pet grooming market have similar concepts, strategies, concepts as well as techniques of getting things done. I have likewise observed that, in my expert opinion, a lot of of those techniques can be a bit harsh. For the function of this article, I want to focus particularly on dogs that are not so simple to groom. 

If you can make a dog’s trust, even the most wildly behaving pups ended up being infinitely much easier to manage on the grooming table. concern as well as stress and anxiety are the root of nearly all poor behavior. The very first thing I tell any individual who is believing about starting a occupation in the grooming market is that you need to absolutely like dogs unconditionally. If you don’t, you will get frustrated. They will push your buttons, intensify you, get under your skin, tick you off as well as test every strand of patience you have left. It is human nature to get frustrated when trying to achieve a fairly basic task as well as having an outside force doing whatever in its power to stop you from doing so. 

As natural as it may be for a human to get frustrated, it is likewise extremely much natural for an animal to be nervous, afraid or resistant to something it doesn’t comprehend or feel comfortable with. These dogs are pets. It is simple to believe of them as a lot more than just an animal, provided that we treat them much in a different way than we do wild animals; as they online inside your home with us, share our beds, respond to our commands, discover their names as well as interact to us when they requirement something. I believe some groomers stop working to keep in mind that these are, in fact, animals. 

Too lots of times have I heard fellow groomers comment about exactly how the pet dog just “needs” to discover to be compliant. They “need” to discover exactly how to stand still. They “need” to discover not to be terrified of the nail clippers. They “need” to discover to like the dryer. They “need” to discover exactly how to mind. Don’t get me wrong, my task would be infinitely much easier as well as less stressful if every pet dog understood exactly how to do those things effortlessly; however, it is an unrealistic expectation. It is your job, as a groomer as well as a human being, to discover exactly how to work around obstacles.

The dogs I see in the pet grooming world are not champion show dogs. competition grooming tables, show floors, studios, cameras as well as spotlights are not a part of these dogs’ everyday lives. No, these dogs spend their days in the dirt as well as grass, digging holes, chewing on stuffed animals, cuddling with their owners, sniffing mailboxes on their morning walks, barking at frogs as well as just being dogs. They do not “need” to discover any type of of those previously pointed out things. What they requirement is reassurance, confidence as well as a gentle hand. 

Pets come into my beauty parlor to be groomed since they stink as well as have as well much hair on them. There is absolutely no reason why these dogs requirement to stand like best statues on my grooming table. All I ask of them is that they depend on me—and that is the most you can ask of a pet dog on your grooming table. The one human they have come to depend on as well as depend on has just left them alone in a new place. This is an animal that doesn’t understand you, as well as isn’t sure what you are doing to them. They are afraid as well as some will act out. I firmly believe it is not the dog’s job, or the owner’s job, to make them compliant with grooming. As a groomer, it is your task to work with the dog. That is the essence of the job; you work with dogs, not for them, not against them, however with them.

Patience as well as love, as cliché as it sounds, is the backbone of being a good, effective groomer. If friend cries when you pick up his paw, the response is not to muzzle, restrain, scold or neglect him. discover a method around it. Instead, scissor it as it sits. He can’t reliably interact with you what the source of distress is; be it a sore paw, arthritis, poor hips, sensitive joints or just uneasy with the feeling being restrained. See if sitting him down makes it much easier on him. maybe he wishes to lay down? try speaking to him, reassuring him as well as having somebody pet him while you try once again would be helpful. The only choice is to work with the pet dog as well as listen to them. When a pet dog on your table is acting out vocally or physically, he is trying to interact to you. listen to him, as that is all he has. 

I have a number of little pet dog clients who are rather unruly as well as the very best technique is to just baby–talk them. Sing to them. If they are being good, tell them they are being good. let them lick you, wag their tails, sit down or whatever it may be that lets them feel a bit a lot more comfortable. Yelling as well as restraining them unnecessarily is just venting your frustrations onto them, as well as is precisely the habits they are showing that is impeding your work in the very first place. Don’t muzzle them since they are barking, or tighten the loop around their neck since they want to look back as well as see what you’re doing to their tail, instead reassure them. 

Unlike your very first see to the dentist as a child, there can be no explanation of the procedure. think about that the both of you had not shared the exact same language. You would have then been delegated infer the circumstance by the tone of his voice, whether or not your arms are connected to the chair, as well as from the nurse holding your neck whilst he probes your mouth with instruments you aren’t familiar with. The only type of communication you have with the pet dog is your tone of voice as well as your touch. 

My bottom line is, be great to the dogs. It seems like typical sense, however in my time grooming, I am regularly shocked at the unrealistic expectations as well as lack of empathy that some groomers have for the dogs they are working with. You are an crucial piece in the puzzle that is that dog’s short life. when a month he will be on your table for the most stressful as well as frightening experience he ever has to offer with in his pampered life as a pet. Neither you nor the pet dog benefit from battling with each other. discover a method to get it done without traumatizing the dog. There are as well lots of things in this world for dogs to concern as it is, let’s keep groomers off that list. 

My end goal with any type of pet dog I groom isn’t a paycheck, the best haircut or a great tip. If, when finished, that pet dog still wags his tail as well as wishes to rest his head on my knee, then I have done my task well. ✂️

Jennifer Farley has dealt with dogs considering that she was 16 years old, was born as well as increased in NJ, as well as currently resides as well as works in Cape Coral, Florida for a terrific little service named laundry n’ Wag. She has spent a long time working in an animal shelter, which verified vital in mentor her to work with dogs as well as cats that are not incredibly excited to interact with people. Jennifer has two dachshunds as well as a feline at home. She is a full time groomer as well as a part time artist, as well as cannot envision a life without dogs.










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