APPA 2019 national Pet owner Findings assess Gen Z For first Time, includes new Methodology


The American Pet products association (APPA) releases data from its biennial national Pet owners survey capturing Gen Z data, new methodology and the most comprehensive insight into pet ownership and pet product buying behavior.

 Bob Vetere, president and CEO of the American Pet products association (APPA), announced today findings from APPA’s 2019-2020 national Pet owners Survey. The announcement was made at global Pet Expo, the pet industry’s largest annual trade show presented by APPA and the Pet industry Distributors association (PIDA). The survey shows that 67 percent of U.S. households own at least one pet; an estimated 84.9 million homes.

Millennials represent the largest segment of pet owners for all pet types owned, especially bird owners, small animal owners, and saltwater fish owners. and for the first time, The survey assesses members of the emerging Generation Z (Gen Z). other interesting findings show more than 80 percent of Gen Z and Millennial pet owners report owning dogs, while 50 percent or less own cats.

“For 30 years, APPA’s national Pet owners survey has been one of the foremost providers of consumer insight research in the pet market,” said Vetere. “I look forward to seeing how members of the pet care community use these new findings to improve our pets’ quality of life.”

The survey looks at popular data on average number of pets owned per household; pet combinations owned; frequency of vet visits; pet travel and average amount spent on common pet care categories. new questions in the 2019-2020 survey provide data on:

Pet food and treats

Attributes of dog and cat food, such as human-grade and non-GMO ingredients

Pet care products

The importance of purchasing ethically-sourced pet care products

An expanded list of calming products used for dogs and cats

New types of cat litter used

Pet ownership

Backyard chicken ownership

Fish aquarium ownership

Pets in the classroom and their effect on pet ownership

Consumer purchasing behaviors

Information on online purchasing, including subscription-based purchases and whether the frequency of online purchasing has changed in the past year

An expanded list of purchasing outlets

New Methodology used In study means No comparison to Prior Studies

The new 2019-2020 national Pet owners survey includes updates in methodology to ensure it is reflective of both the research objectives and the current pet market. These updates confirm that The survey is nationally representative of the U.S. population on key demographics and that The survey itself was directed to the individual who is most responsible for the pets in the household- both purchasing pet products and general pet care.

“We’re proud of our latest study, as it’s nationally representative and features a broad range of data that goes far beyond consumer purchasing behaviors,” said Vetere. “With such a large pool of respondents, the margin of error is extremely low, providing us with the most accurate and detailed report of pet ownership in the U.S. on record.”

The 2019-2020 APPA national Pet owners survey is the pet industry’s most comprehensive resource providing insight into the demographics, buying habits and other traits of owners of dogs, cats, birds, small animals, reptiles, freshwater fish, saltwater fish and horses. The survey is available to APPA members as a member benefit and is available to the general public for purchase. members of the media looking for specific data for a story, can contact for assistance. visit for more information.

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