PetMeds® Dog’s excessive Paw Licking


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This week we highlight questions asked by our PetMeds Facebook fans and answered by Dr. Dym.

PetMeds customer question: Why does my dog chew and lick so much in between his paws and underneath? There are no signs of anything in there, no lesions, and nothing looks wrong.

While many animal guardians think that their pet’s nails are typically too long, the truly accurate answer to most of these cases is that their pet is suffering from some sort of allergy.  the most common type of allergy is known as atopy, which is contact and/or inhalant allergens that typically manifest as the feet licking behavior. amongst the common allergens include molds, grasses, trees, dander, house dust mites, ragweed, etc.

In simple cases, I will typically recommend antihistamines like Benadryl or Chlorpheniramine, while in more complex cases prescriptions for cortisone type drugs like Temaril P or Prednisone may be needed. If secondary infections develop between the feet, then oral antibiotics or oral antifungals may be prescribed. Supplemental fatty acids such as Be Well or super Pure Omega 3 can also help some allergic pets when used long term.  Wiping feet down after coming in walks on outside grasses can also sometimes help.

The other common cause of this feet licking behavior is food allergies. even pets on the same diet for years can develop allergies to any of the proteins or grains in the food, which can typically manifest as simply feet licking. In these cases, restricted protein diets with proteins like rabbit or venison for a period of a few months can typically minimize symptoms if food allergies are suspected. While some vets will offer blood testing for various food proteins, most veterinary dermatologists feel that the only way to diagnose accurately food allergies is to place the pet on a dietary trial with a novel protein for a period o a few months.

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