Mews and Nips: new Lip Gloss Makes You feel like You just Kissed a Cat’s Nose


A new lip gloss from Japanese charm brand Felissimo will make you feel like you just kissed a cat’s nose. According to teen Vogue, Hin-Yari Ohana Lip Gloss achieves its effect by scenting the gloss with kitten milk replacer and using a cooling rollerball applicator. Those two elements combined imitate the feeling of a loving kitty nose. The lip gloss is available from Felissimo’s website.

If you missed any of the stories featured on the conscious cat this week, here’s a recap: on Sunday, I announced that I will be at the Orlando cat cafe next Tuesday, on Monday, we told you how the Assisi loop helped a cat run again after amputation surgery, on Tuesday, we introduced you to a raw diet formulated for cats with kidney disease, on Wednesday, I shared my experience at cat Camp NYC, on Thursday, we featured cat-themed journals and notebooks, and on Friday, we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day.

Today’s video features environmental enrichment for city cats – enjoy!

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Have a terrific weekend!

Photo through Felissimo

Ingrid King

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4 comments on Mews and Nips: new Lip Gloss Makes You feel like You just Kissed a Cat’s Nose

Barbara Wilde says:

March 18, 2017 at 11:43 am

BUT you can purchase hand cream that smells like kitty paws!


Barbara Wilde says:

March 18, 2017 at 11:40 am

Unfortunately this lovely lipgloss only ships to Japan.


Janine says:

March 18, 2017 at 7:48 am

You know all of us cat lovers are going to need to try this lip gloss. I delighted in the video too.


Sue Brandes says:

March 18, 2017 at 7:40 am

Love the video. have a terrific weekend.


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