Mews as well as Nips: Do Cats Do math to examine Prey?


math was my least preferred subject in school, as well as I never believed my instructors when they stated I would requirement it to function in life. now granted, all of us do some level of math, whether we like it or not, however what about our cats? In her most recent blog, Dr. Michael Delgado reports on a interesting research study titled “Revisiting more or less: influence of numerosity as well as size on prospective prey option in the domestic cat.” The research study utilized online prey to asses cats’ preferences as to exactly how much as well as exactly how big a prey they prefer (and don’t worry, no mice or rats were harmed, in fact, they were embraced by university trainees after the research study was completed.) My preferred part of the study: five cats had to be dropped from the research study because of insufficient participation. Click right here to checked out Michael’s full report on the study.

If you missed any type of of the stories featured on the mindful feline this week, here’s a recap: on Sunday, we talked about exactly how finding new things can enrich our lives, on Monday, Dr. Lynn Bahr responded to visitor questions, on Tuesday, we featured the gorgeous Leopard & Lotus Bloom handbag from Triple T Studio, on Wednesday, we provided info on exactly how to register for CatCon from the Couch, as well as on Thursday, we took part in keep in mind Me Thursday. as well as don’t fail to remember to go into our giveaway to win a $100 donation to your preferred shelter or rescue group from PawPrint!

Today’s video cracked me up – a new Olympic self-control in the making? Enjoy!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Photo via What Your feline Wants

National feline DNA Day Sale with September 30

$20 off Breed groups DNA test set with code CATDNA20
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Ingrid King

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2 comments on Mews as well as Nips: Do Cats Do math to examine Prey?

Timmy Tomcat says:

September 26, 2020 at 11:42 am

We sure like little prey as well as dad only gets us little mice which we love. The video was Super. That gray fellow sure understood exactly how to get every bit as well as then caught up. A presentation that if you do the very best task you will get a great deal done instead of rushing


Janine says:

September 26, 2020 at 6:56 am

I do believe cats do some kind of calculations when it comes to prey. just watching them stalking something shows exactly how it works. I always hated math in school, however I am happy I can do it. I balance our checks books every month the old institution way.


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