Do I truly want a diamond Dog?


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I’m a woman and, in typical woman fashion, I like sparkly things.  When I very first got engaged, I ended up being a road hazard since it was difficult to pull my eyes away from my sound as the sunlight hit it, turning it into a disco sphere that sat on my finger. however as much as I like sparkly gems, I’m not sure I want my dog turned into one after she dies.

And I really mean “I’m not sure.” When I very first checked out about people relying on business like LifeGem to have a few of the stays of their cherished pets turned into gems, my preliminary reaction was, “Death diamonds noise creepy.” I mean, I adore my dog, however I have no wish to have her stuffed as well as put in a corner of the living room, so why would I want any type of other DNA-laced reminder of her? I’ll have great deals of wonderful photos as well as video, most likely her collar, as well as a heart full of memories. I’m not even the type of person to keep ashes–I’d spread them.

But you know, sometimes a photo isn’t sufficient when you miss somebody (long distance connections have made that abundantly clear), as well as people will most likely look at you strangely if you bring your dead dog’s collar around like a security blanket.  A gem, however, is something nobody will believe twice about you having.  In fact, you don’t even have to tell anyone where that diamond truly came from (if you don’t want to; if you do want, then by all means, sing it from the rafters).

Of course, this type of memorialization is quite expensive.  The LOWEST cost on the LifeGem site is $2,400–and that’s only for the stone (they offer settings too).  There are other sites out there, like Pet-Gems, which offer a different processes as well as more budget-friendly prices. Is one much better than the other?  You got me.

The one concern that seems to concern people most about this idea, however, is “how do I understand that stone is really made from/with my pet’s remains?” The basic reply seems to be, “you just have to trust us.”

I don’t understand if I possess that type of trust, particularly when there are other kinds of memorial choices that don’t need such extreme belief (ash pendants for one).

If I might be 100% sure that the stone was produced with my pets remains?  I still don’t understand if I’d do it, as well as not even since of the prospective cost. I assumption to me, a smooth, chilly stone reminds me more of death than life–and that’s not what I want to remember. I’d rather gaze at photos of a smiling, happy, corgi or watch videos of her bouncing around the yard–full of life.  She’s not a pretty, sparkly thing to wear as well as look at in this life, so I don’t want her to be one in the next.

Do I believe these kinds of gems are silly as well as nobody should ever get them? absolutely not. Can I assurance that I, myself, will never modification my mind as well as get one? absolutely not–grief doesn’t provide a damn about guarantees. however as of now, they still type of provide me the willies.

What do you think? Memorial gems for the win? Those people are crazy? I’d rather stuff my dog as well as put him on the mantle?

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