I love my Chihuahua because …


I asked several Chihuahua owners to fill in the blank:

“I love my Chihuahua because …”

Here are their responses:

Rodney Fife and Dobby:

“My wife and I love him because he gives us the joy of parenthood that we would not enjoy otherwise. Dobby is super cuddly and loves to be near us. He also is very expressive with his ears.”

Dawn Goldberg and Brooklyn:

“Because she has the biggest attitude problem ever, but as soon as you call her out on it — she curls up in the cutest, tiniest ball and begs for your forgiveness.”

Samantha Rodriguez and Lily:

“Chihuahuas are a very loyal breed and tend to be a one-human pooch and I tend to be that human for them. They’re very sweet, affectionate, smart and protective. I could just go on about them. They’re like Pringles … can’t have just one.”

Rodriguez is an admissions counselor for animal care Centers of new York City.

Doug Meacham and Esther:

“Because she is extremely protective to be so miniature in stature. She is one of the cutest of her kind, always showing love to her family. And, we have even taught her how to sing!”

Beaux Cooper and Izzie:

“Simply put: I love my Chihuahua because she is my soul mutt. Izzie loves to cuddle, camp, swim, and hike – she’s a big dog trapped in a little dog’s body! She is the most affectionate, up for anything, beautiful dog I have ever known and she connects with me on a level only mothers could understand.”

Giuseppe Vizzi and Lea:

“I love my Chihuahuas because they are the best watchdogs. They are on alert and warn you about any little thing.”

Joey Teixeira and Mervin:

“Because he is fiercely loyal and absolutely adorable. For a 4-pound dog he is fearless and never lets his past life hold him back. He is my best friend and we are truly lucky to have found each other – a perfect match!”

Natalie Fuller (age 6) and Cameron Fuller (age 10) and Rita:

“She’s my sister and she cares for us. and she keeps us safe when she barks. I like it when she cuddles up with me.” -Natalie

“She’s playful at times and gives us a lot of kisses. She’s a good listener and listens to what we have to say. She barks at ‘invaders’ and ‘scares’ them away!” -Cameron

Brenda Della Casa and Tony Montana:

“Because he has shown me that unconditional love and companionship is not just something shared between two people but two souls. Tony has a personality all his own and truly shows me support and love. He’s a dog, yes, but he is also one of my soulmates in every way.”

Michael Breus and Sparky:

“He was a rescue in Arizona, and we have all been through a lot together. He survived being run over by an SUV. I love him because he shows me what it means to be tough in a world bigger than yourself.”

(Pictured with Breus’s daughter Carson.)

Mary Ann Hansen and Charlie:

“Because he stole my heart the minute I spotted him on beautiful may Holiday! This is my Charles ‘Charlie’ Bussey, named so because I found him on Charles Bussey and center Street when I was out running on Memorial Day of this year. He was very malnourished, not neutered and very friendly. In fact, I could not get him to stop following me … After multiple attempts to find his owner … what can I say … I am his!”

Therese Romano and Rocco:

“Because he has a personality that draws people and other dogs to him. He is funny, loving and loyal. The funny noises he makes when he plays make me laugh out loud.”

Tina Salicco and Dribble:

“Because he keeps a close watch on me with his bulging eyes. He has the most incredible high pitched screaming voice and has the biggest heart with the fiercest attitude.”

Jennifer D. Waller and Cookie:

“My Chihuahua Cookie has been my constant companion for the past 13 years. She has outlasted 1 husband, 2 boyfriends and 3 moves! because of her portable size, she has enjoyed more vacation trips than most humans!”

Maria Katrien Heslin and Abbey:

“Because every minute I am with her, I am happy. She is the sweetest, silliest, sassiest bundle of love I have ever known.”

AnnetteDeBois and Ziggy:

“Because he is the most handsome, friendly travel companion that a girl could want. He loves to get in his bag, board a plane and set off on adventures with me and it’s a bonus offer that he is quiet and easy going.”

Kirsten Smolensky and Jersey:

“Because he’s a demanding cuddle bug who hates exercise, just like his momma.”

How about the rest of you?

What do you love about your dog?

Let me know in the comments!

Want to add your Chihuahua to the list? just send an email to Lindsay@ThatMutt.com with a picture and your answer: “I love my Chihuahua because …”

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